280 High Street, Closter, NJ 07624 - 201-768-4197 - circulation@closter.bccls.org
Hours Mon, Tue, Wed 9-8; Th, Fri, Sat 9-5

Welcome to the Closter Public Library. Your library card can be used in 77 libraries throughout Bergen and some surrounding counties. Our aim is to serve all residents of Closter. Here is a list of our services to our patrons.
Electronics and Streaming
Ebooks, eaudiobooks, emagazines.
Download the Libby app from the App or Google Play Story.
Stream music and movies, download audiobooks and ebooks. Download Hoopla from the App or Google Play Store.
Stream movies, TV shows, and the Great Courses. Download Kanopy from the App or Google Play Store
Mobile Printing
You can print from your computer or mobile device. Download the Printeron app from the App or Google Play Store.

Self Checkout with meeScan
You can use the self-checkout kiosk near the reference desk or download the app and checkout from your device.
About your card
Your Closter Library card is your pass to all the services the Library and the BCCLS consortium have to offer. The first card is always free, if you lose your card, there is a $5 fee to replace it. However you can have your library card on your smartphone and manage it electronically.

Automatic Renewal
BCCLS automatically renews
eligible items checked out to library cardholders.
Eligible items will renew
automatically 3 days before their due date for the full loan period.
You will receive a notification via email or text if an eligible item has been renewed.
Notification is only via email or text, so be sure we have your
current information in our
Please be sure to read any email you receive
You can still renew eligible items at any time through your account at bccls.org or at any BCCLS
Items will not Renew if:
The item has reached its
renewal limit
The item is on hold for another patron
Your card has expired
You owe $10 or more in fines
You have 10 or more items overdue
Go to www.bccls.org
Use the pull-down menu to highlight for Closter .

Search the catalog. Local availability will show you what Closter owns:
1 of 1 means it’s available at Closter,
0 of 1 means you’ll be put on the waiting list).

Place your request—you will get your item much faster if you request an edition that we own or an edition that has many copies in the system
i.e: (18 or 20)
NOT (0 of 2)
Questions? Call us at 201-768-4197 or email us at circulation@closter.bccls.org
Welcome to our library. There are endless opportunities for discovery, learning, and recreation here!
The following information will give you an idea about the services and resources available to your child through the Youth Services Department.
Getting a card for you child is easy. Your child just needs to be present with you while you provide proof of residency.
Children can use their cards to check out books, ebooks, graphic novels, DVDs, audiobooks,
magazines, video games, CDs , and Playaways, as well as access Online Search Databases for school projects.
We offer story-time for children 2-5 years old, special programs for children of all ages, crafts, and a summer reading program.
To find out about upcoming programs, join the Closter Kids Listserv at ClosterPublicLIbrary.org.
Welcome to the
Closter Library News
You were automatically registered for our Newsletter when you were issued your library card.
Weekly Virtual Newsletter
Everything you need to know about the Library for the month:
Important Information
Important Announcements
Emergency closings
Last minute activities or programs
Program cancellations
Important information for our patrons
Monthly Newsletter
Pick up a paper copy of the monthly events at the front desk.
You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the safe unsubscribe button on the bottm of the email. Please don’t mark it as SPAM!
We will NEVER use your email address for anything other than Library communication.
Important Things Every
Library Card
Holder Should Know
Closter supports a library subsidized by Closter taxpayers where everyone can access information and resources.
These basic policies help the system work for all library users.
You must present proof of a valid Library account to check out items:
BCCLS app or self-checkout appphysical card issued by a BCCLS library
current photo ID
digital representation of the card,
card stored on loyalty card app (ie Keyring)
You must have a library card from the town in which you live
BCCLS Libraries are supported by property taxes.
The library in your town then takes those tax dollars and contributes to the running of BCCLS.
If you move from one BCCLS town to another, you MUST get a new library card in your new town.
Closter Library requires proof of residence (i.e driver’s license showing a Closter address) to issue a library card.
With your Closter Library card you can access items from all 77 BCCLS member libraries.
Closter overdue fines are 20¢ per day on all items. Other
libraries have different policies.
Tools to help you
Automatic renewals
3 days before it is due
Items will not renew if
item has reached renewal limit
item is on hold for another patron
Your card has expired
You owe $10 or more in fines
You have 10 or more items overdue
Email and Text notifications
Hold has come in
Item is coming due
Item has been auto renewed
Item is overdue
Please make sure to read any email or text notices you receive.
Library items belong to everyone
Library items must be returned in the condition they left the library. Remember your neighbors before you:
fold pages,
leave sticky notes,
highlight or annotate books
Scratch DVDs and CDs
If you receive an item in poor condition, please let the library staff know immediately.
For more information on all of our services and policies, visit our website.